The Art Nature Consortium's purpose is to help fund small groups of visual artists to create nature related art projects intended to communicate the need to preserve and conserve Indiana’s natural resources. ANC was formed by five artists in 2021 to fund a book featuring art and essays on conservation -- the Indiana Waterways project.
In the future, ANC will consider other Indiana artist projects with various artistic themes that may include, but not limited to, a need for conservation, preservation, public awareness of issues associated with species, wildlife, landscape, waterways, and naturalness. The organization will encourage visual artists to use their skills and art to bring attention to such issues. The ANC non-profit (status pending) intends bring groups of people with interests in nature and conservation together and provide support to the visual artist's own funding efforts.
Project funding and artist grants
Qualifying groups and visual artists are encouraged to subscribe to the ANC newsletter in order to receive information about calls for applications and other opportunities. (See the bottom of each of our webpages for subscription form)
The Art Nature Consortium INC board members will strive to fund groups of artists, three or more, or organizations not eligible for artists grants because they lack non-profit status. The ANC is also willing to help conservation groups that plan to use visual artists to communicate a conservation message.
Visual artists, by banding together to create a project that goes way beyond a single exhibition often has a greater financial need than single individual artists grants in Indiana can provide.
The ANC's intent is to attempt to fill a niche where artists can solicit donations for their projects and have a landing page for their projects. The Art Nature Consortium, INC will on occasion be able to offer grants to artists project in addition to the funding Individual artists raise through their own efforts and suggested best practices.